Veteran’s Mental Health

Central Psychology Services has a long track record of supporting Australian Defence Force Veterans and Ex-Serving Members, as well as their families. We provide assistance to active duty personnel, members in the process of discharging, as well as ex-service men and women across Australia.

Our psychologists have experience in helping people navigate this unique career path, as well as adapting to ‘Civvy Street’ on the other side. We take pride in serving those that have served the community, which extends to our work with first responders and emergency service personnel.

We can offer eligible veterans cost-free, fully funded appointments through DVA - for as long as they need.

What can we help with?

Regardless of the challenges we’ve overcome, life can get hard. We can support ex-service members with:

  • Resilience building and ‘bouncing back’

  • Overcoming stress

  • Injury and pain management

  • Managing anger and irritability

  • Trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress

  • Improving relationships with partners and family members

  • Low mood and depression

  • Alcohol and other substance use

  • All mental health conditions

  • DVA provides veterans with access to fully funded treatment of all mental health conditions. This means there is no out of pocket costs for psychology appointments. You will not need to prove that your ADF service caused these conditions.

    We can provide cost-free services to DVA Gold Card and eligible White Card members once we have a referral from your GP.

    You can check your eligibility through MyService, by calling 1800 Veteran, or by e-mailing

    If you are not yet eligible, you can also apply for health care for a mental health condition through the above.

    If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our friendly staff.

  • Yes. At Central Psychology Services, we are registered to provide support to active-duty ADF members. We recommend you take yourself to ‘sick parade’ and speak to a doctor on base, asking for a referral to see one of our psychologists.

  • As a former ADF member, DVA will fund mental health treatment for as long as it is needed. In order for us to continue providing fully-funded appointments, all we need is for you 1) get a letter from your GP after every 12 appointments, 2) make sure your previous GP letter was within the last 12 months.

    Our psychologists as staff will help remind you where you are up to, so you know exactly when to book in with your GP.